5 Pakistani Podcasts To Listen To During Commute

If you reside in a metropolis like Karachi, you may have to commute from one location to another. You may travel a considerable distance to work in the morning and then return in the evening. Having said that, you might commute while listening to music or in utter stillness, as many people prefer. However, if you want to remain up to speed with Pakistan’s present circumstances, these podcasts are for you.

If you want to hear individuals talk about things that are stigmatized or clichéd, these podcasts are also for you. Furthermore, because they do not try to impose their views on others, these podcasts present a viewpoint that may be listened to with an open mind.

1. The Pakistan Experience

This is one of the most interesting podcasts on the network. It not only talks about Pakistan’s everyday issues, but it also communicates that experience to the listener in a realistic way. It frequently involves authoritative figures who may provide light on a wide range of issues. Furthermore, the podcast frequently expresses its opinion while allowing the listener to establish their own.

2. Thoughts Behind Things

Another podcast that delves into the depths of Pakistan. Discussions from a historical viewpoint can frequently be heard here. Two persons may be debating a certain event in our history and its influence in our day and age. It is a thought-provoking podcast that is well worth listening to.

3. Individual Podcasts – JunaidAkram

JunaidAkram, one of Pakistan’s most powerful people today, gives listeners the voice of the common man. Listening to his podcast will definitely transport you to this city, as many individuals are going through same experiences as you. This podcast will inform you on the traffic situation, load shedding, and philanthropic work that is being done.

4.The Mosiki Podcast

If you want to learn more about Pakistan’s socio-cultural aspects, this podcast is for you. It shows the everyday struggles that workers in the sector face. This podcast covers anything from cultural periodicals to socioeconomic realities.

5.Individual Podcasts. – Mooroo

Mooroo is another renowned personality in Pakistan who likes to expose ordinary life to the audience. He also invites people from other sectors to speak about their experiences, the current employment market, and how Pakistanis might enter the business end of the industry.

These podcasts will make your morning and nighttime commutes more productive and keep you up to speed on everything!