How to Utilize Snapchat to Advertise Your Blog

You spend hours researching, writing, and revising blog entries, and much more time locating appropriate photographs to publish alongside them.

Running a blog is unquestionably a labor of love, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want other people to discover and enjoy the blog entries you’ve spent so much time creating.

Every blogger must determine what the best promotion strategies are for them and their readership. Using Snapchat to promote your blog and engage with your audience is one option worth investigating.

Why Choose Snapchat to Promote Your Blog?

Snapchat has 173 million active daily users. They are mostly between the ages of 18 and 24, and they use the app regularly, accessing it over 20 times each day and spending more than 30 minutes on it. If your blog’s target audience includes people in that age range, Snapchat is a great way to contact them where they are.

Here are a few concrete ways you may begin using Snapchat to promote your blog.

1. Promote your posts.

Because Snapchat is largely a visual medium, you must start with a connected image or video. You may utilize an image or video from your blog post, or you can make a short movie to distribute that introduces the blog article. 

Whichever approach you use, utilize the Paperclip tool to incorporate a link to the blog article itself. Users will be able to simply access the post by swiping up and viewing it in the Snapchat browser.

If you do this with each new article, you can begin to reach a new audience. Experiment with the sorts of photos and videos that encourage the most visitors to swipe up to see your blog. 

2. Share photos of you at work and in life.

One of the most significant advantages of social media is that it enables for a more direct connection between artists and consumers. Your blog readers will welcome the opportunity to learn more about you behind the scenes.

Allow a friend or partner to photograph you when you’re at work, as well as when you’re pursuing hobbies or simply enjoying your life.

Also, please post any images that are related to the topic of your blog. If you have a fashion blog, Snaps with unpacking videos or images of you sporting a new outfit are wonderful ideas. Photos of your plants or the food you cooked with vegetables you cultivated yourself would be ideal for a gardening blog.

Sharing these photographs on Snapchat can help your audience connect with you by humanizing you. 

3. Create original Snap content.

You want some of your Snaps to direct people back to your blog (the ultimate aim), but you also want to give folks a reason to continue following you on Snapchat.

To get people to follow you on the app in the first place and to keep following you after that, create exclusive material that people can only access on Snapchat. This may be video demos related to the themes you cover on your blog, or photographs from behind-the-scenes that you don’t post anywhere else..

Look back to previous blog postings for inspiration. You may reuse existing material to create something fresh, such as turning a piece of your previous blog article into a helpful short film for your Snapchat followers.

Even if it is similar to previous material, delivering something fresh and distinctive to your Snapchat audience will demonstrate that you appreciate your relationship with them on the platform. 

4. Use Snap to promote your email list.

Building an email list is one of the finest methods to remain in touch with your audience and encourage them to return.

Utilize Snapchat to advertise your email list and increase signups, then utilize your email list to promote your blog to the opted-in Snapchat followers. It provides you with another option to stay connected to the community and encourage more people to read your blog entries. 

5. Connect with others.

Building an email list is one of the finest methods to remain in touch with your audience and encourage them to return.

Utilize Snapchat to advertise your email list and increase signups, then utilize your email list to promote your blog to the opted-in Snapchat followers. It provides you with another option to stay connected to the community and encourage more people to read your blog entries. 

Use Snapchat to Connect With Your Readers

Snapchat should not be seen just as a promotional channel, as this strategy has never been successful on social media. 

Use it to connect with others and begin to build your community. But, while you’re at it, you may market your site and acquire some new readers and followers.