Top Skills To Become A Tech Blogger

1. Content Writing

There is no doubt that content writing is a crucial skill for becoming a tech blogger.

In my opinion, it’s the only skill you need to get started. All the other skills go on top of this.

Blogging is a type of writing whose primary focus is the reader. You write because you want to educate your audience. All your articles should teach something to your readers. It’s all about THEM, not yourself.

When writing about technical topics, prefer clarity over sounding clever.

Involve the reader by using “we”, “us”, and “you”. These pronouns help with getting the attention off of the writer.

Key components that make up a blog are:

  • A compelling headline.
  • Small paragraphs (usually between 4 to 8 lines).
  • Visuals (images, GIFs, screenshots, graphs, quotes, videos).
  • Depending on your writing, a blog usually has bullet points.
  • Content writing also involves editing.

Editing your articles means rereading your article, and look out for:

Grammarly is an excellent tool for editing. It gives suggestions on synonyms, prevents you from writing using the passive voice, eliminates wordiness, and checks the tone of your writing.

Writing and editing go hand in hand. You write first, and you edit second.

2. SEO Understanding

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

If you are about ranking your articles higher on Google, SEO is a skill you’ll need to practice.

The best way to become better at SEO is through practicing.

This process also applies to learning SEO.

There is always something new to learn about SEO. Writing articles is the way to refine this skill.

To become better at SEO, you’ll need to:

Do keyword research:
What are your users looking for? Think about your user’s needs: by doing keyword research, you’ll need to understand what your readers are searching for. Your article must contain valuable information to them.

Create a compelling headline: The headline is crucial for blogging success. A great headline ranks higher on Google, making your readers more likely to click on it.
Use an appropriate URL slug: the URL slug must contain the keyword(s).

Add external links: Google likes it when you give credit to other people by adding links to external, reputable resources.
Write SEO-optimized meta descriptions: The meta description is the description you see underneath the article’s headline when searching for an article on Google. The meta description also needs to contain the keywords your readers are looking for.

3. Audience Analysis

If you care about your blogging success, you’ll probably also care about knowing the statistics of your blog.

Knowing the stats of your blog allows you to understand:

What articles give you the most page views.

Bounce rate: the percentage of readers visiting your blog but not taking action.
Understand where your audience comes from.
And much more.

Knowing all these ensures you know what aspects of your blog need improvement.

Tools you can use to analyze your blog’s statistics are:

Google Analytics: this tool gives you a complete picture of your blog’s stats. Google Analytics gives you information about your blog’s traffic, bounce rate, gender, age, country, etc.
Google Search Console: this tool gives you a great picture of your blog’s “health”. Google Search Console provides information about your blog’s performance, page load, and safety.

4. Discipline

Blogging is mostly a rewarding activity, even though it’s challenging to find the motivation to continue, especially when you put all your heart into an article and gain a few views.

  • Every article is an opportunity to learn something new.
  • Every time you write, you become 1% better at writing, SEO, designing, etc.